The Conservatory of music Jacopo Tomadini in Udine is a higher education institution in the FVG region. It offers advanced musical training: masterclass, specialization courses, performances and research, It was founded in 1824, officialy recognized in 1925, and in 1981 it became a State institution.
The number of students attending the courses has increased over the Years, as have the number of concerts performed throughout the region.The various disciplines are coverd by a team of 78 professors, with 600 students enrolled (both italians and foreigners).
Since 2005, thanks to the Erasmus system, the conservatory has started a number of partnerships with some of the most prominent musical institutions in Europe and the United States. Over the past decade, the Conservatory has redefined the curricula of its traditional courses introducing first and second cycle university studies, as well as various specializations including teacher training courses.
Graduatoria di merito provvisoria ed elenco provvisorio degli idonei D.M.180 CORNO CODI/10
Si pubbica in data odierna nella sezione Bandi di Selezione Pubblici/Bandi per Graduatorie di Istituto, il decreto direttoriale n. 84/2024 "Graduatoria di merito provvisoria ed elenco provvisorio degli idonei relativi alla procedura selettiva pubblica per il reclutamento a tempo indeterminato di docenti di prima fascia nei Conservatorio di musica ai sensi del D.M. M.U.R. n. 180/2023 – Corno (CODI/10) (prot. 6895/C6 del29/08/2024)
PhD Courses
Call for application to the PhD course in composition and musical performance (xl cycle) a.y. 2024/2025.
Please note that the activation of the PhD course is subject to the verification by the M. U. R. of the accreditation requirements (Art. 1 of the call).
Deadline for application for admission: 24/08/2024.